Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for shopping locally.
  • ADDRESS Log Cabin Florist
    800 19th St
    Bakersfield, CA, 93301
  • CALL US (661) 327-8646

Same Day Flower Delivery | Arvin Flowers

Log Cabin Florist has been serving the Arvin, CA area with flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings. Our curated selection of flowers includes hydrangeas, lilies, tulips, orchids, tropical flowers, sunflowers, and more. Our designers strive to create unique arrangements that deliver the sentiment as intended.

We guarantee  100% satisfaction and also provide a pre-delivery picture on request. Proof of delivery pictures is also provided.

As a family owned  flower shop, we take pride in ensuring 100% satisfaction with our floral arrangements. We hand select all flowers and ensure that they are fresh and long lasting..

  • Birthday flowers in Arvin, CA

  • Anniversary Flowers in Arvin, CA

  • Sympathy and Funeral Flowers in Arvin, CA

  • Green and Blooming  plants in Arvin, CA

  • Orchids in Arvin, CA

  • Wedding and Event flowers in Arvin, CA

  • Same Day Delivery in Arvin, CA

  • Same Day Flower Delivery in Arvin, CA

  • Weekly Floral Subscriptions in Arvin, CA 

  • Monthly Floral Subscriptions in Arvin, CA

The residents of Arvin have  relied on Log Cabin Florist for their floral needs and have rated Log Cabin Florist as one of the best florists in the area.  We deliver flowers to Bakersfield, Lamont, Taft, Shafter, Buttonwillow, Greenacres,  Kern City, Oildale, Rosedale and Mettler.

Send the right sentiment for the right occasion. At Logcabin Florist you can trust us to  create the most  elegatand beautiful floral arrangement to convery your sentiments with flowers in Arvin. We are a Real Local Florist. We are creative designers that can assist you with the best flowers for your budget for all occasions. Our occasions includes birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, sympathy flowers for the home or the service,  cheerful flowers for get well and flowers that wow for congratulatory and gratitude occasions.

Have a question about our flowers and service? Call us at Log Cabin Florist and our expert floral designers will assist you. Our service is 100% guaranteed and we can provide a pre-delivry picture of the flowers as needed. Just select the option in our web checkout flow or let us know when ordering by telephone. What you order is what is sent to the recipient.

Ford Mustang Succulent


Featuring a cute little Ford Mustang with a 4" succulent perfect for any small space or desk.


Simply Lilies


"Just Lilies" is a simple yet elegant bouquet featuring lilies arranged in an 8" illusion vase with complimentary fillers. Please note that the type of lily and filler may vary based on availability. Enjoy same-day flower delivery for a touch of refined beauty.


Soft Love Bouquet


Express your love with a beautifully feminine arrangement featuring soft peach roses, white stock, bells of Ireland, and pale yellow alstroemeria. Carefully arranged in a tulip-style vase, this all-around display is complemented with the freshest greens. Approximately measuring 29 inches in height and 20 inches in width, this arrangement exudes elegance.
Please note that flowers may be subject to change based on availability, ensuring the freshest and most delightful bouquet. Enjoy the convenience of same-day flower delivery, allowing you to convey your sentiments promptly and beautifully.


Best of Bakersfield


Congratulations to Log Cabin Florist for being voted the Best Florist in Bakersfield for an incredible 26 years in a row! To commemorate this outstanding achievement, we present the Best of Bakersfield Bouquet—a lavish arrangement featuring a dozen red roses and oriental lilies. Join us in celebrating this milestone together! Enjoy the convenience of same-day flower delivery, allowing you to share the joy and beauty of this special bouquet promptly.


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