Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for shopping locally.
  • ADDRESS Log Cabin Florist
    800 19th St
    Bakersfield, CA, 93301
  • CALL US (661) 327-8646
High Style Roses

High Style Roses


This arrangement of 1 dozen roses is for the person who appreciates the unusual. It is not only beautiful but it makes a statement and creates conversation every time it is delivered! **If desired can change the rose color to: Red, White, Yellow, Pink, or Cherry Brandy**Elevate your floral gesture with our unique arrangement of one dozen roses, specially curated for those who appreciate the extraordinary. Not only is it stunningly beautiful, but it also sparks conversation and leaves a lasting impression every time it's delivered. For a personal touch, feel free to choose from rose colors such as Red, White, Yellow, Pink, or Cherry Brandy. Standing approximately 25 inches high, this arrangement is available for same-day flower delivery, ensuring a prompt and memorable surprise. Approx. 25" high

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